Program Overview
As the Vision 2030 emphasis the enhancement of human capital within the Kingdom, organizations will require progressive leaders to manage their human capital and ensure its continuous growth and development in the knowledge economy era.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) approved Master of Biomedical Sciences (MBS) is a two year program in which students can choose to join one of five tracks; Analytical Biochemistry (ABC), Biotechnology (BIT), Clinical Embryology & Reproductive Biology (CERB), Infection Control (IC) and Molecular & Cell Biology (MCB). All tracks are thesis option and consist of at least 24 credits of courses in addition to a Thesis. Based on letter number 18003583 dated 27/01/1440H 7 Oct 2018 from SCHS university Graduate programs / Clinical and nonclinical ,are not required to have SHCS approval or accreditation. The only approval required for any program is from MOE and NCAAA.