Non-Degree / Visiting Student

Visiting Graduate Students Criteria

Alfaisal University welcomes visiting students for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. To apply as a visiting student you must fulfil the following requirements:

  1. The student needs to send an email with a Letter of Permission from her/his current university that includes the courses she/he plans to take at Alfaisal University to
  2. Advanced payment of tuition fees for the courses that the student will be taking.
  3. For Non –Saudi students, a valid Iqama.
Non-Degree Graduate Students Criteria

A graduate non-degree student takes credit-bearing courses but does not pursue a Master degree. Non-degree students register for courses on a space-available basis. Alfaisal University degree candidates have first priority for registration. Non-degree students must demonstrate course pre-requisites and may need approval from the respective department of the College. Non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid. Alfaisal University welcomes Non- degree students and must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. The student needs to send an email includes the courses she/he plan to take at Alfaisal University to
  2. Advanced payment of tuition fees for the courses that the student will be taking.
  3. Non-degree students cannot register for a course without fulfilling its pre-requisites.
  4. A Non-Degree student is allowed to register for a maximum of 9 CHs in Fall or Spring semester, and 6 CHs in Summer semester.
  5. For Non –Saudi students, a valid Iqama.

Admission Pre-Requisites

A non-refundable application fee (600 SAR) must be paid after filling out the application for it to be submitted.

Prepare a scanned copy for all the required documents found here:

Please make sure that the file names are in English only

For tips on how to scan paper

Review the Document Checklist Before Applying