A non-refundable application fee (600 SAR) must be paid after filling out the application for it to be submitted.
Prepare a scanned copy for all the required documents found here:
Please make sure that the file names are in English only
For tips on how to scan paper
Review the Document Checklist Before Applying
Documents Checklist
To complete the Online Application you need a scanned copy (Max File Size 1 MB for each) of the followings:
National ID for Saudis or the official residency (Iqama) for non-Saudis
Bachelor's Degree Graduation Certificate.
Official Bachelor Degree transcripts of all college-level.
English test score record.
Letter of recommendation
Certificates Verification (a screenshot/PDF of Tawakkalna for your educational information, the equation certificate for Saudis graduated from a non-Saudi university, or either the stamp of the Saudi Embassy on your certificates or an authentication letter from the Saudi Ministry of Education).